Friday, March 4, 2011

having fun in the snow
We are crazy and bought a trampoline in the snow and put it up in the snow.  We were a little cold to say the least.  We sold the quad and the flatbed trailer today.  So we celebrated with a new trampoline.  This is our 1st new trampoline ever.  The kids will have years of enjoyment out of it, we figured it was a good investment. 

all bundled up for the snow.

Doesn't she look  like Aunt Judi?

Rob putting the trampoline up and freezing his fingers.

It took about 2 hours to put it up

Friday, February 25, 2011

Megan's Song

This morning Megan was at the piano singing a song she made up. Now you have to understand she is looking at a Christmas song book with pictures in it. Here is her song: The kids made a Santa. Then Jesus came and Nordy came. Santa has deer and a bird too. And a owl too and two birds too. The angel came and saved them. Jesus all saved us. Then baby Jesus came too. Then the kids say they fall down. Then a church the lights turned on. The mommies and the daddies and th kids took a walk. I am good with my Jesus. Then the kids not be singing. Me be with Jesus before I was born. A mommy and a baby stayed together, with his mommy. A baby sheep say neigh. A baby sheep stayed with his mommy. A kid pulled a toy out of us's house. Me a baby. That poor baby. The camel came to save Mary. That is a star. It meant Jesus be born in Bethlehem. Then the baby cried wah, wah,wah. Over a road us be finding temple to go in. A king is on a roof. Now a kid is singing a lot of time. Santa came and the girl came with him. The cow "Holy" came out to see Jesus. There are kings on the camels. Then the princess got dead, no she not get dead. The mommy said,"baby stop crying." Here is Jophus. Jesus wants me for a sunbeam at home at church at play. THE End

Friday, March 12, 2010

Primary activity

Haley and Bryce decided to show there swing dance moves for the primary activity.

The kids were supposed to share their talents. Right here they were scrapbooking a page of themselves.
This is Haley's last primary activity. She is so sad. She still thinks she is 7 instead of 11 almost 12. I am sure that has to do with home schooling.

Bryce's Blue and Gold Dinner

Bryce had lots of fun making this cake with a little help from mom. Our camp out cake.
Look at all those great cakes. It is 100 year for the boy scouts.

My alien!!!!

What big ears you have.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Megan's Birthday Party

Look at all those people. We had Grandma Orm's 90th birthday party on February 20,2010. We decided since everyone was here for that wonderful event we would have a birthday party for Megan. Alan Dean came home from his mission on Feb 17th. Paul came in right before he did. We picked them up at the airport and went to the Mongolian Grill for lunch. They stayed with us until they left on the 21st. They flipped his truck over after hitting ice. No one was hurt. The lumber rack saved their lives. That was on their way home right outside Alamosa,Co . Anyways back to Megan's birthday. It was nice having everyone together. It made me sad to think that we will be so far away from everyone in the family. My kids will miss their cousins very much.
Happy Birthday to you !!

Eve, Isabelle and Miriam
Megan and Eve

What flavor do you want???
I want more ice cream!!!!Savannah and Abigail
These are for me???

Can I eat this now pleeeeeeeeeeease?

Thank you everyone!!!

More Remodeling

Get off the ladder. Get off the ladder! Get off the ladder!!!!!!! This the common conversation to these two. Look Dallin is even smiling.

We are all working on this room.